JAI PRAKASH NATH PUBLICATIONS is a leading Company with unmatched market leadership since 1914. We have provide best material to the students for their success in their examinations. We have an amazing team of highly qualified and experienced authors. Company operates around 200+ Authors, more than 500+ Titles and has 1000+ Dealers around the country.
Today Jai Prakash Nath Publications needs no introduction. Its continuous publishing of quality books for IIT-JEE, Medical Entrance Examinations, Post Graduation and TDC Courses for Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh, Polytechnic for Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand, has already gone a long way to make their aim easier.
We have also launched a
recently. In that we have Textbooks for Diploma in Pharmacy, Question Banks
for Diploma in Pharmacy and Question Bank for Polytechnic (Uttar Pradesh).
We are soon releasing new titles for different Trades which are in progress
and soon will serve in the market.
This Organisation is managed under the direction and leadership of best and
good experienced persons Mr. V.N. Gupta,
Mr. R.N. Gupta and Mr Sarthak Gupta. So it is running succesfully since last 106
years. Last but not the least we would thank our staff for there
dedication towards work.